Escort Service In Kolkata Airport

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Kolkata Airport Escorts & Escort Service In Kolkata Airport

The need for escort services at Kolkata Airport arises due to several reasons. For instance, some travelers may require assistance with their luggage, while others may need guidance navigating the airport's complex layout. Additionally, some passengers may require special assistance due to their physical or medical conditions. Whatever the reason may be, escort services provide a convenient and hassle-free way to navigate the airport. Kolkata Airport, also known as Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport, is the largest airport in eastern India. It serves both domestic and international flights, connecting Kolkata to major cities around the world. As a popular destination for business and leisure travelers, the airport can be overwhelming for first-time visitors.

Understanding the Different Types of Escort Services Available at Kolkata Airport

Before choosing an escort service at Kolkata Airport, it is essential to understand the different types of services available. The airport offers various escort services to cater to the needs of different travelers.

The first type of escort service is the Meet and Assist service. This service is ideal for passengers who require assistance with checking-in, baggage handling, and navigating the airport. The Meet and Assist service comes in different packages, including basic, premium, and VIP. Each package offers different levels of assistance, depending on the passenger's needs.

The second type of escort service is the Lounge Access service. This service provides passengers with access to the airport's lounges, where they can relax, enjoy complimentary food and drinks, and access free Wi-Fi. The Lounge Access service is ideal for passengers with long layovers or those who want to unwind before their flight.

The third type of escort service is the Fast Track service. This service allows passengers to skip the long queues at security checkpoints and immigration. The Fast Track service is perfect for passengers who are short on time or those who want to avoid the hassle of waiting in long lines.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Escort Service at Kolkata Airport

Choosing the right escort service at Kolkata Airport requires careful consideration of several factors. The following are some of the factors to consider when selecting an escort service:


The cost of the escort service is an essential factor to consider. Different escort services come at different prices, depending on the level of assistance offered. It is crucial to compare the prices of different escort services and choose the one that fits your budget.


The reputation of the escort service provider is another critical factor to consider. It is advisable to choose a service provider with a good reputation for providing reliable and efficient services. You can check the provider's website or read online reviews to gauge their reputation.


The availability of the escort service is also an essential factor to consider. It is advisable to choose a service provider that operates 24/7 to cater to passengers arriving at any time of the day or night.

Tips for Finding the Best Escort Service at Kolkata Airport

Finding the best escort service at Kolkata Airport requires some research and planning. The following are some tips to help you find the best escort service:


Researching different escort service providers is an excellent way to find the best service. You can check the providers' websites or read online reviews to gauge their reputation and level of service.

Ask for Recommendations

Asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have used escort services in the past is also an excellent way to find the best service. They can provide firsthand information about the quality of service offered by different providers.

Book in Advance

Booking your escort service in advance is also advisable. This allows you to avoid the hassle of looking for a service provider when you arrive at the airport.

How to Book an Escort Service at Kolkata Airport

Booking an escort service at Kolkata Airport is a straightforward process. The following are the steps to follow when booking an escort service:

Step 1: Choose a Service Provider

Choose a service provider that meets your needs and budget. You can do this by researching different providers or asking for recommendations.

Step 2: Book Online

Most service providers allow you to book their services online. Visit their website and follow the booking process. You will be required to provide your flight details and personal information.

Step 3: Confirm Your Booking

After booking your service, the provider will send you a confirmation email with the details of your booking. Make sure to confirm your booking to avoid any inconveniences.

Safety Precautions When Using Escort Services at Kolkata Airport

While escort services provide a convenient way to navigate the airport, it is essential to take safety precautions. The following are some safety precautions to take when using escort services:

Stick to Authorized Providers

It is advisable to use authorized escort service providers to avoid falling prey to scams or fraudsters.

Don't Share Sensitive Information

Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as your credit card details or passport information, with the escort service provider.

Keep Your Luggage Safe

Keep your luggage safe and in your sight at all times. Don't allow the escort service provider to take your luggage out of your sight.

Frequently Asked Questions About Escort Services at Kolkata Airport

Q: What is the cost of escort services at Kolkata Airport?

A: The cost of escort services at Kolkata Airport varies depending on the level of assistance offered. Basic packages start from INR 600, while VIP packages can cost up to INR 8000.

Q: Can I book an escort service at Kolkata Airport upon arrival?

A: Yes, you can book an escort service upon arrival at the airport. However, it is advisable to book in advance to avoid any inconvenience.

Q: Are escort services at Kolkata Airport safe?

A: Yes, escort services at Kolkata Airport are safe. However, it is essential to take safety precautions when using the services.

Alternatives to Using Escort Services at Kolkata Airport

If you prefer not to use escort services at Kolkata Airport, there are alternative ways to navigate the airport, including:

Public Transport

Public transport, such as buses and taxis, is available at the airport. However, this option may not be suitable for passengers with heavy luggage or those with physical or medical conditions.


Self-navigation is another alternative to using escort services. This option is suitable for passengers familiar with the airport's layout and those with light luggage.

Reviews of Popular Escort Services at Kolkata Airport

Meet and Assist Service

The Meet and Assist service offered by Kolkata Airport is one of the most popular escort services. Passengers who have used this service commend it for its efficiency and reliability. The service comes in different packages, making it affordable for different budgets.

Fast Track Service

The Fast Track service is another popular escort service at Kolkata Airport. Passengers who have used this service praise it for its convenience and time-saving benefits. The service allows passengers to skip the long queues at security checkpoints and immigration.

Finding the best escort service at Kolkata Airport requires careful consideration of several factors. It is essential to choose a service provider that meets your needs and budget while taking safety precautions to avoid any inconvenience. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can find the best escort service to navigate Kolkata Airport hassle-free.

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